Jenny@equinecentred.com | 07527 577 394
I offer various different services, please scroll down to see the full list. Please contact me with questions about any of my services and I would be happy to discuss them in more detail with you. The below can be with my horses or I can visit you with your horses.
Equine Behaviour Consultant
Are you having issues managing your equine's behaviour?
I offer a confidential behavioural consultation service. My aim is to help you explore the underlying cause of behaviour to understand why the behaviour is happening and then look at what we can do to resolve the issue through implementing a behaviour modification programme. Issues include anxious or fearful horses, those with vet or needle phobias, problems with the farrier, trailer loading, tack issues, issues with box rest and many other behavioural issues. Please contact me to discuss your specific case.

Individual and Group Lessons
Want to have hands on lessons with horses?
​Lessons are tailored to you and your goals.
Common focuses include:
Positive reinforcement and clicker training
Handling and ground work skills
Confidence issues (both horse and handler)
Increasing equine motivation
Improving communication
Improving the relationship with your horse
Problem areas
Training specific behaviours
Supporting in hacking out
Working at liberty with your horse
Having fun
Price List:
£30 per hour for individuals
£20 per person per hour for 2-3 people sharing
£15 per person per hour for 4+ people sharing
Travel charges: Free travel within 20 miles, 40p/mile thereafter.

Equine Therapy
Interested in personal development and growth?
Equine Therapy is an experiential therapy and involves participating in safe guided exercises on the ground with the horses, which can bring about significant personal growth and learning experiences. Horse experience is not required to participate in Equine Therapy.
I have horses which you can come and experience Equine Therapy with, alternatively, if you have your own horses and wish to experience Equine Therapy with them, then this is also a possibility.
"Horses have the uncanny ability to illuminate who we are and where we need to go. They respond to us as unique individuals and somehow understand who we are in our hearts and souls. Horses can touch deep recesses in us that are inaccessible to most people-regions people are afraid to address in others, much less in themselves."
– McCormick and McCormick
After experiencing Equine Therapy, clients have reported improvements in many different areas of their lives. Among other things, Equine Therapy can help you gain more self-confidence, self-awareness and emotional regulation; it can help you improve your boundary setting, communication skills and assertiveness.
Please contact me to discuss price.
Courses, Demos & Talks
​Want to learn more about horses?
I offer courses on many different topics, including:
Wild equine behaviour
Equine body language
Learning theory
Positive reinforcement and clicker training
Confidence building
Understanding your horse's behaviour
Developing the human side of the equation
These days can be just theory days or just practical days or a mix of the two.
Groups can be small or large depending on the facilities available.
I provide courses locally to me and am also happy to travel to your destination and provide courses/talks on a specific subject. Please contact me to discuss this.
To see my current courses and dates, please click on the link below to go to the events page.

Human Counselling/Psychotherapy
Our sister company, Integrated Psychotherapeutic Solutions, supports anyone looking for support to overcome a wide range of emotional, social and mental health issues and offers a range of different therapies to suit the individual and their needs.
Common issues can include stress, anxiety, addiction, depression, anger, bereavement, family and relationship issues, coping with change, phobias, self-esteem, self-confidence, weight loss and a diversity of other issues which people might want to see a trained professional about.